
10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

If only the hair on our head grew as fast as the hair on our legs…

10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

Bad posture: your worst enemy in hot weather!

10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

Wearing rings in the summer resembles a medieval torture.

10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

It’s not just men your wonderful floral perfume is likely to attract…

10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

Proper makeup in the summer? Forget it!

10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

Sitting down on the bench in THAT tight dress?! You must be very brave indeed…

10 Realistic Comics on How Hard It Is Being a Girl in Summer

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