Health & Fitness

100 simple ways to improve your health

49. Develop a positive attitude and learn to let go of the past.

50. Cut down on fizzy drinks and store-bought juices.

51. Drink your greens. Make healthy green smoothies at home.

52. Include superfoods like Spirulina and Kale in your diet.

53. Start your day with a large glass of water.

54. Eat whole fruits instead of drinking the juice. Your body needs fibre for better digestion.

55. Control your portion while eating. Choose a smaller plate to eat.

56. Plan your meals.

57. Pack leftovers for lunch. Avoid eating out.

58. Replace unhealthy snack with healthier options like nuts, carrot and celery sticks.

59. Do not go grocery shopping hungry. You’ll end up buying a lot of junk.

60. Stop buying unhealthy foods like potato chips and cola.

61. Take the stairs instead of the lift.

62Bike to your work, if possible.

63. Complete 10,000 steps daily.

64. Do not eat while watching TV. Practice mindful eating.

65. Change your bedsheets and pillow covers every week.

66. Limit your caffeine intake.

67. Avoid very hot showers, as it damages your hair and skin.

68Moisturize your skin.

69. Wash your face and body towels every seven to ten days.

70. Reduce your intake of salt and sodium.

71. Listen to relaxing music. Calm your mind.

72. Be kind and learn to forgive.

73. Include a variety of protein in your diet, such as eggs, soy, seeds and lean meat.

74. Use essential oils that support wellness.

75. Talk to a friend when you are feeling low.

76Cry, if you want to.

77. Go running or on a hike with your friends and family.

78. Deep clean your house every weekend.

79. Avoid chemical cleaners whenever possible. Use natural cleaners instead.

80. Replace refined grains with whole grains.

81. Stop eating when you are 80% full.

82. Write down your feeling and allow yourself to process your emotions.

83Laugh more. Watch standup comedy or a funny movie.

84Cuddle more.

85. Count to 10 when you are angry. Control your anger. Accept that you cannot control everything.

86. Have a social media detox day every week.

87. Practice the 20/20/20 rule to reduce eye strain. For every 20 minutes, you work on a screen, stare at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

88Do not google your symptoms and try to self-diagnose yourself. Go to a doctor.

89. Avoid drinking calories. Make your iced coffee at home.

90. Follow a good skincare routine.

91. Take special care of your personal hygiene.

92. Add turmeric to your food for extra health benefits.

93. Spend some time daily in the fresh air.

94. Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day instead of three heavy meals.

95. Do not under-eat or starve yourself. Eat when you are hungry.

96Declutter your workplace and house to reduce stress.

97. Eat fruits like apples, pears and kiwis with their skin.

98. Be realistic – You cannot survive only on salads and one doughnut will not kill you. Try moderation.

99. Be more active overall.

100. Go for regular health check-ups.

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