
12 Homemade Tomato Face Masks For All Skin Types

6. Protects from Sun Naturally

If you go out every day in the scorching sun, your skin needs to be protected from the harsh UV rays. While it’s a not-to-miss step for you to apply sunscreen, you should go opt for better and more lasting protection.

Tomatoes are very helpful in protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. While tomatoes cannot replace your everyday sunscreen, they can be a great companion to it.

7. Provides a Youthful Glow

All of us want to have glowing and healthy skin. However, it does not come easy. You need to have a potent skincare ingredient to get that natural glow.

Fortunately, tomatoes are the ingredient that can give your skin the nutrition it needs to achieve that glow. It helps in the production of collagen, which is a protein that structures the skin. Hence, it keeps your skin plump, gives a clear texture, and makes it glow like a bulb.

8. Skin Brightening and Even-Tone

The natural acids in tomatoes can help gently exfoliate the skin, remove dead skin cells, and reveal a brighter complexion. Regular application of tomato-based face masks or treatments can contribute to a more even skin tone, reduced pigmentation, and a healthier glow.

9. Natural Skin Cleanser

One of the benefits of tomato for the face is that it cleanses the skin really well. The acidity of tomatoes makes them effective natural cleansers. Applying tomato juice or pulp to the skin can help cleanse pores, remove excess oil, and prevent the buildup of dirt and impurities.

10. Reduction of Dark Circles

The natural bleaching properties of tomatoes can help lighten the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Applying a mixture of tomato juice and lemon juice can assist in reducing the pigmentation and puffiness often associated with under-eye circles.

11. Glowing Complexion

The vitamins and antioxidants in tomatoes contribute to a healthy and radiant complexion. Regular consumption of tomatoes or using tomato-based skincare products can help improve blood circulation to the skin, giving it a natural glow.

12. Natural Moisturization

The water content in tomatoes, along with their natural oils, can provide a light and natural moisturizing effect on the skin. Applying tomato-based masks or treatments can help lock in moisture and keep the skin hydrated, especially in drier weather conditions.

DIY Tomato Mask Recipes for the Skin

tomato face pack

Now that you know the benefits of applying tomatoes on the face, get to know how you can use them on your skin.

1. Avocado Tomato Mask

Balance combination skin with an avocado and tomato mask. Tomatoes absorb excess sebum, while avocado’s hydrating properties nourish. Mix, apply for 10 minutes, and rinse. Use twice a week for an instant glow.

2. Tomato Tea Tree Mask

This mask combines tea tree oil, jojoba oil, and tomato to fight acne. Tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory properties work with tomato’s skin elasticity benefits for clearer skin. Blend the ingredients, apply for 15 minutes, and rinse with warm and cold water. Use twice a week for an instant glow.

3. Tomato Honey Mask

For post-acne marks, use this mask with honey and tomato pulp. Tomato targets dark spots while honey soothes. Mix the ingredients, apply for 15 minutes, and rinse with lukewarm water. Twice a week for best results.

4. Aloe Tomato Mask

To address dark circles, try this aloe and tomato mask. Tomato’s bleaching properties combined with aloe vera’s cooling effect help tired eyes. Apply under the eyes for 10 minutes, and rinse. Twice daily for effectiveness.

5. Tomato Olive Oil Mask

Treat dry skin with an olive oil and tomato mask. Olive oil’s fatty acids and tomato’s hydration work well together. Mix, apply for 10 minutes, and rinse. Use twice a week for an instant glow.

6. Tomato and Papaya Mask

This one’s great to reduce pimples and scars on the skin. To make this mask, take 2 tbsp of tomato pulp and mix it with 2 tbsp of papaya. Apply this thick paste all over your face and wash after 15 minutes. Use this twice a week for best results.

7. Tomato Oatmeal Mask

Tomato and oatmeal mask

Combat blackheads with a tomato, oatmeal, and yoghurt mask. These ingredients remove dead skin cells and clear pores. Blend them, warm the paste, apply for 15 minutes, and rinse for fresh, glowing skin.

8. Tomato and Mint Mask

Combine tomato pulp, fuller earth, and fresh mint paste to create an effective skin-lightening mask. Apply on your face until it dries, then wash off with cold water. Use this once a week for skin brightening.

9. Tomato, Lemon, and Curd Mask

Reverse-tanned skin using a mix of tomato pulp, lemon juice, and curd. Apply the mixture to your face, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

10. Tomato Turmeric Mask

Tomato Turmeric Mask

Achieve glowing skin by mixing tomato with turmeric and sandalwood powder. Apply the paste on your face, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse.

Precautions to Use While Using Tomato

Even if you know how to use tomatoes on the face, they can cause allergies to some skin types. They are acidic and may irritate the skin. Here are some precautions to take.

  • If you feel any irritation after using tomato, stop its usage immediately.
  • If there is any redness, irritation, or peeling, stop using it and contact a dermatologist.
  • Do not apply it on rashes as tomatoes may cause a burning sensation.


Tomatoes are really beneficial for your skin and can make it appear very healthy. If you want your cheeks to be plushy like plump tomatoes, use the recipes we have mentioned in this blog.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is rubbing tomato on the face good?

Yes, there are benefits of rubbing tomato on the face. It is packed with antioxidants and has a compound called lycopene that saves the skin from sunburn.

2. Can tomatoes remove tan?

Yes, tomatoes have benefits for removing tan from the skin. You can use it to rub on your skin regularly until the tan disappears.

3. How to apply tomato on the face?

Apply tomato on the face by using tomato pulp or juice. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse with water. You can also use other ingredients to enhance the benefits.

4. Can I use tomatoes on my skin every day?

No. It’s advisable to avoid using tomatoes on the skin every day. Use it twice or thrice a day.

5. Are there any side effects of applying tomato on the face?

While generally safe, there could be side effects of applying tomato on the face, such as potential skin irritation.

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