
4 Tips to Keep Acne Skin Healthy This Winter

2. Moisturize properly all season long
Don’t be fooled: Tight, dry skin is not healthy skin. It will not keep you from getting acne. In fact, dry, flaky skin only leads to more oil, which then mixes with bacteria to produce more acne.

Even if the light moisturizer you used for those warmer months worked well for you, it may not be good enough for your skin during cold weather. Try using an oil-based moisturizer this season, one with noncomedogenic oils such as almond, avocado, coconut, olive or jojoba oils.

And, as always, be sure to avoid ingredients like cocoa butter, shea oil/butter and oleic acid, which may only clog your pores.

3. Nourish your skin the way it deserves
We all know fruits are good for us, many of them providing vitamins that help heal our skin and keep it looking fresh. But did you know using fruit directly on your skin may be just what it needs, especially during winter?

Try blending together an array of ripe fruits–papaya, grapes, strawberries, mangoes–along with some plain yogurt. Apply this smooth mixture your face for about twenty minutes, and then rinse it off. You may do this once a week to keep your skin looking its best all season long.

4. Protect your largest organ from the weather
Sure, wearing a scarf is helpful for keeping the winter winds off our skin. But there are other necessary ways to protect your skin, both indoors and outdoors.

When indoors, keep the temperature between 68 and 70 degrees, meaning stay warm, but don’t go overboard with the heat. Artificial heat can dry out your skin, so consider using humidifiers to keep the moisture in the air. Or simply places bowls of water near heating sources to help with this.

When outdoors, you need your SPF. We know, we know–it’s not summer anymore. Maybe the sun isn’t out as often. But the winter sun can be just as damaging as the hot summer sun, not to mention snow glare is no friend to your skin. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen on all exposed body parts (even your hands!), applying about 30 minutes before going outside. And don’t forget to reapply if you end up staying outside a long time.

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