Health & Fitness

7 Early Warning Signs Of Heart Attack You Shouldn’t Ignore

Strong pressure in the chest is the most common symptom of a heart attack, and it terrifies everyone. However, not many people know that a third of all patients who have suffered a heart attack did not feel pressure in their chest at all.

If you manage to recognize the signals your body sends you, you would get 2 extra hours.

Some heart attacks are sudden and strong, while others start off slowly, with a mild pain and discomfort.

Usually people are not aware of what is happening to them, so they postpone the visit to their doctor.

Discomfort in chest

Most cases of heart attack involve pain and discomfort in the chest. This lasts for several minutes or reoccurs several times. The symptoms include huge pressure and pain.

Discomfort in the upper part of the body

Pain and discomfort may appear in one (usually the left) or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach. Pain in the back or jar is more common in women.

Difficulty breathing

This sign may occur alone or along with some sort of discomfort in the chest. In moments like this, you should wonder if there is any real reason for this. If you cannot answer your question, do not hesitate and visit your doctor immediately.

Excessive sweating


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