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There are many reasons why moles can appear on the skin. A basic one is heredity. If your parents have big birthmarks, you may also have them. Other reasons can be either excessive ultraviolet exposure or hormone imbalance.
In most cases, moles are harmless. But if their number grows rapidly, they are painful, or they change in color and size, it is a reason to visit a doctor.
3. Acne, blackheads, clogged pores
There are many reasons for acne: too much skin oil which clogs facial pores, hormone imbalance, or digestion problems.
Acne is always a consequence. Of course, it is necessary to provide proper facial skin care. However, to get rid of it, you should find the reason first. And this can be done only by a specialist.
2. Flaking
The reasons for flaking can be a vitamin deficiency, hormone imbalance, allergic reaction, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and a few other diseases.
When the flaking is intense and accompanied by other symptoms, it can be a sign of a serious disease. But even if it’s not, it’s worth seeing a doctor anyway.
1. Excessive sweating
If you are inside a well-ventilated space with optimal temperature and you are not nervous, then you shouldn’t be sweating as if running a cross-country race.
The reason for excessive sweating can be toxic diffuse goiter, or Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. As a consequence, the skin becomes thinner and constantly itches. If something similar happens to you, see a doctor as soon as possible.