Health & Fitness

8 Things Every Woman Should Do After Intercourse

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Not soon after intercourse (in spite of the fact that your V is especially delicate at that point), yet dependably: don’t wash with cleanser. Your under area is a self-cleaning living being and utilizing cleansers, douches or different items can meddle with its sensitive pH levels. Cleanser can likewise prompt bothering and dryness – actually, as a standard guideline, on the off chance that you wouldn’t place it in your mouth, don’t put it close to your private part. After intercourse (and dependably), flush just with warm, clean water.


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Most kinds of underwear are produced using non-breathable textures like nylon or polyester. Slap them on after intercourse, and you’re making the ideal condition for germs to develop. Keep in mind, your V is warm and clammy in the wake of getting down, and that is when microscopic organisms is probably going to flourish, particularly when caught by non-breathable materials. Go commando or stick to cotton underpants so your under areas can inhale free.

7. Keep away from WET WIPES

wet whips,

While it may offer swipe yourself clean utilizing wet wipes, the synthetic concoctions and aromas can bother your touchy genital region, particularly after intercourse. In the event that you need to utilize an option that is other than plain water to tidy up, take a stab at blending a little vinegar with warm water. Vinegar is purifying and won’t upset your body’s pH levels. Dry tenderly a while later.

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You would be amazed, however numerous ladies are blow drying their private part subsequent to having intercourse. It is exceptionally successful as indicated by a few specialists, despite the fact that you should be cautious. Blow drying is particularly compelling for ladies inclined to UTIs and mycosis.

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