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Health & Fitness
When we eat while walking, we tend to consume more because we lose track of our portions and our stomach empties faster. When we eat sitting down, our blood circulation is improved. Even eating cross-legged has more benefits because it eases blood pressure around our heart and enables the proper digestion of food.
5. Water helps with constipation.
Water helps break down the food that we eat so that the body can absorb needed nutrients better. Despite the general belief that it’s not good to drink water during a meal, this is actually not true. Water helps digestion and it’s also very helpful if you suffer from constipation. Drinking it during a meal can also influence the size of your portions.
6. Try different yoga poses.
Yoga increases the level of circulation into a certain area, so you can insert 15 minutes of stretching every day into your routine to aid digestion. For example, the Marichyasana pose, where you lift one knee up and you twist your upper body, helps absorb essential nutrients from food; stimulates abdominal organs, like the liver and kidneys; and calms the brain.
Uttanasana pose, which is the standing forward fold, is a very therapeutic position with a lot of benefits. It compresses the abdominal area while stimulating circulation to our digestive organs. It’s also very relaxing for the body. Mornings are a perfect time for yoga, but don’t try to do these poses right after you’ve just eaten. Otherwise, you’ll feel sick.
7. Eat at specific hours every day.
This sets our internal clock and our bodies will know just when digestion is supposed to take place. Eating irregularly may increase several health risks, and it could also bring on several extra pounds. If your schedule is too busy, try to prepare your meals ahead of time and eat at the same hours at the office.
8. Meditate and control your stress.
If we’re stressed, the body feels the pressure and it slows down digestion. This results in bloating, cramps, indigestion, or constipation. It can also have the opposite effect and speed up digestion, causing frequent trips to the toilet.
When we’re under a lot of stress, we may have an increase or a decrease in appetite. Neither is good for our health, so try meditating or prioritizing chores from one day to the next. Don’t try to be Superman and do it all, your health is more important than anything.
9. Try the 4-7-8 breathing method.
It can manage our food cravings, improve sleep, decrease anxiety levels, and control emotional responses. All you need to do is inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 more, then release it completely by the count of 8. It’s recommended to do this 4 times in total.
Remember to listen to the things your body is trying to tell you. If symptoms like bad cramps, stomach pain, or severe bloating persist for several days, you should always consult your doctor.