Health & Fitness

How To Cure Piles Permanently At Home In 3 Days

How to Cure Piles Permanently at Home in 3 days? Yes! Piles are such source of discomfort and pain among most of the adults. It is also called as hemorrhoids. It is one of the most common health issues that 9 out of 10 men or women have to experience piles in their lifetime. Normally Hemorrhoid tissues are invisible, but inflamed hemorrhoids look like a bump or clotted tissue near the anal. Although there is a lot of reason behind the forming up of piles, personal hygiene is the major of all. So before your condition gets too much worse, here are few home remedies How to Cure Piles Permanently at Home in 3 days!


Piles are the muscular structure in the anal region. It consists of blood vessels, muscles and tissues. Normally, it acts as a cushion and helps in stool control. But the discomfort and pain started when it gets any infection. An infected pile begins to swell and cause bleeding. It can be found in different size, and it is also found outside the anus. They disappear of their own without causing pain. Sometimes any type of hemorrhoid cream is enough for piles treatment. Otherwise, in severe cases, surgery is the only opting for piles removal.

Generally, piles are invisible, but when it expands due to inflammation, it looks like a bump of muscles. Piles can be divided into four types.

Internal hemorrhoids.
• External hemorrhoids.
• Prolapsed hemorrhoids.
• Thromboses hemorrhoids.


Piles mean a group of swollen veins in the anus region of our body. There are numerous reasons due to which anyone may develop piles. In facts, some individuals are in the high-risk zone.

• Genetic history of weak rectal veins.
• Less fibrous food in their daily diet.
• Sitting or standing for long hours.
• Pregnancy.
• Constipation.
• Obesity.
• The habit of eating spicy and junk food.
• Lack of hygiene.
• The habit of drinking less water.
• The habit of lifting the heavy load.



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