
A Recipe Written in the Bible This powerful, 3500 year old Remedy is a Cure for all Diseases

Olives are widely grown throughout the whole world, and they are mainly used for culinary purposes. It is interesting that they have been used in culinary and medicinal purposes since ancient times, and it is thought that they have powerful healing properties and the ability to cure flu, herpes, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, pneumonia, hepatitis B and meningitis. What makes them so useful is a chemical compound called oleuropein.

Oleuropein acts as an anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial agent, which makes it highly effective antiseptic.

Tea made from olive leaves is great against a number of health issues:

– Encephaitis

– Diphtheria

– Stomach Ulcers

– Malaria

– Botulism

– Atherosclerosis

– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

– Herpes

– Hepatitis B

– Meningitis

– Flu

– Tuberculosis


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