
A Recipe Written in the Bible This powerful, 3500 year old Remedy is a Cure for all Diseases

– Gonorrhea

– Pneumonia

In addition, this tea will also help you raise your energy levels and it will boost your immune system. You can drink it when you’re feeling stressed and you want to relax, and its excellent for use after a chemo treatment.


  • 15-20 dried olive leaves
  • 2-3dl boiling water


Leaves should be collected in the Spring and dried outside. When they have thoroughly dried out, put them in a jar and keep them in a cool place. You will need 15-20 leaves for this tea.

Put the leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes . After that let the tea cool off for 15 minutes and add lemon juice and honey if you want to enrich the taste. Drink the tea for several consecutive weeks and you will feel all its advantages.

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