Health & Fitness

Clean Clogged Arteries: The Potion Which Pushes Fat From The Blood Vessels!

Wash the lemon and extract it into pieces. If lemon is not organic or is sprayed, rinse solution of vinegar and water. Peel the garlic and put it in a blender with lemon and ginger. Mix all together to get a homogenous mass. Put in a metal pot, pour 2 liters of water and heat to boiling.

As soon begins to boil, remove the mixture from the heat and allow to cool. Strain and store in glass bottles (if you do not mind, do not have to strain).

Application: Take one glass (200 ml) of this drink every day, at least 2 hours before meals or on an empty stomach. Before each use, shake well the bottle.

You will see that your energy will be back in just a couple of weeks and your circulation will be fully repaired.


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