
Eat 2 Black-Spotted Bananas A Day For A Month And This Will Happen To Your Body!

We eat a lot of bananas. Well, not as much as a monkey does, but well, they’re our distant relatives.  A banana is a very healthy source of sugar, potassium, Vitamins A, B and C, dietary fiber, iron and also – protein!

Bananas also play the role of antioxidant food, because they contain dopamine and catechin. But here’s a big secret the pharmacy doesn’t want you to know:

BANANAS ARE A FRUIT THAT COULD BEAT CANCER. And not that only – the black-spotted bananas are actually better than the completely yellow ones.

A study showed that eating 2 black sported bananas per day for a whole month, will boost your metabolism and fight those cancerogenic cells if you have them developed somewhere in your organism.

Here are some of the many benefits.

1. Lowers the blood pressure

The potassium which is as substance present in the bananas has this ability. It actually balances the salt in our organism. A well balanced organism needs balanced sodium and potassium.

2. Improves digestion

If you’re struggling with diarrhea, heartburn, as well as constipation, you should definitely eat a banana. Or two. This is because they are “richer fruits” than the rest in ingredients, but also because they’re easy to digest.

3. Improves your memory, as well as your mood

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