
How To Remove Dried Paint From Carpet

Dealing with paint stains in the carpet? Check out how to get paint out of carpet like a pro. Easily removes paint so it looks like new again. If you are ready to get your carpet clean check out these hacks to get paint out of carpet.

Recently my husband and I redid our master closet. We changed around a few things and added a new drawer, but one of the biggest changes we made was repainting the walls.

The walls were scuffed up and dented from years of wear and tear so painting made a big difference. I am usually fairly careful when I paint a room. I taped up the edges and laid plastic out over the carpet.

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Unfortunately, the plastic must have moved on one edge and I ended up with some paint on the carpet.

As you can see below it was just a small spot, but it still bugged me. I have had some experience getting paint out of clothes so I decided to see what I could do about the carpet.

Because I have dogs I didn’t want to use anything that had a bunch of chemicals in it. I knew that they could get to the carpet.

In some cleaning forums, I had read that people had success with getting paint out of paintbrushes using hot vinegar so I decided to give that a try.

I ended up finding an easy way to remove paint from carpet. If you have paint spills in your carpet check out this easy tip on how to get paint out of carpet.

To start you will need vinegar, a microwave safe bowl, and either an old toothbrush or a denture brush. I prefer the small side of a denture brush for the smaller spots.

Pour a small amount of vinegar into a microwave safe bowl and microwave about 20-30 seconds or until the vinegar is hot.

Once you have the vinegar hot then you can apply it to the paint stain on carpet. Take the toothbrush and dip it in the hot vinegar. Then apply it to the paint stain.

You may need to do this multiple times to make sure that the vinegar soaked all the way into the paint. If you have a large paint stain I would recommend doing a little at a time.

Once you have the paint soaked with the hot vinegar then set a timer for 15 minutes and let it sit.

When you come back to the stain it will probably look the same. However, instead of the paint stain being hard and crusty it should be soft and gummy.

You can use the brush to brush the paint from the carpet. I used a combination of the brush and my fingers. I could easily pull up the paint from the carpet without damaging the fibers.

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It only takes a minute or two to pull up all of the paint. If you have a lot of paint or it is a thick blob you may want to use a butter knife to pick out the gummy paint.

You may need to reheat the vinegar and repeat all the steps again. For my small spot, it got rid of all the paint with the first try. You can see below the difference it made.

Once you have all the paint out of the carpet blot the carpet dry with a clean rag or a paper towel and then let it air dry. The vinegar smell will go away once the carpet is completely dry.

This easy trick on how to get paint out of carpet can save your carpet from those embarrassing paint stains and make it look like new again.

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