How To Use Baking Soda To Remove Unwanted Hair In Few Minutes
Shaving won’t help you every time to remove unwanted facial hair. Are you thinking about depilatory creams? Ingredients in these creams can irritate your skin.
Instead, comeback to old time remedy baking soda.
Fortunately, you can make different recipes using this home available ingredient.
Fact is even using these home remedies you can’t permanently prevent hair from growing. However, your skin will be saved from harsh chemical incorporated creams.
Baking Soda to Remove Facial Hair
If you’re thinking that am listing only recipe in this article, then you’re wrong.
Excellent thing about innate ingredients is that you can blend other home available ingredients to make the recipe more effective.
Exfoliating ability of baking soda can efficiently remove dead cells, impurities and thin hair from your face.
Topical application of baking soda can help to balance pH level on your skin and thwart infection triggering bacteria.
#1. Baking Soda to remove public hair
This recipe works to remove thin unwanted hair.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 200 ml of boiled water.
- Stir thoroughly and let it cool.
- Now, apply the mixture on the affected area and let it dry for a night.
- In the morning rinse it off with normal water.
- Repeated use for 3 consecutive days will remove thin hair.
#2. Turmeric and Baking Soda
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