Health & Fitness

Incredible Health Benefits of Magnesium You Should Know


Magnesium, known as a relaxation mineral, plays a crucial role in calming nerves and muscles. It also regulates the production of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. Insufficient magnesium levels can lead to nervousness, making it challenging to fall asleep.

Some find relief by incorporating magnesium-rich Epsom salts into an evening bath or taking a nightly magnesium supplement, aiding in a more peaceful transition into sleep.

Energy Levels

Magnesium is a key player in maintaining a normal, healthy metabolism – the process of breaking down ingested foods.

This metabolic process provides the energy needed for our daily lifestyle demands. Additionally, magnesium’s involvement in creating and utilizing enzymes in the body contributes to supporting natural energy levels.

Muscle Function

Essential for producing insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), magnesium enhances the strength and integrity of muscles. It also aids in replenishing muscles and alleviating spasms and cramps.

Mental Health

Low magnesium levels can trigger feelings of anxiety, irritability, fatigue, and low mood. There’s promising evidence suggesting that magnesium may contribute to faster recovery from depression.

Dietary Sources of Magnesium

Magnesium-rich foods are diverse, offering various options to meet your nutritional needs. Leafy greens like spinach, whole grains, nuts (such as almonds and pumpkin seeds), and fruits (like avocados and figs) are excellent sources of this essential mineral.

While it’s possible to obtain sufficient magnesium through your diet alone, magnesium supplements can serve as a convenient and cost-effective way to boost daily intake.

The Dangers of Magnesium Deficiency

Increasingly common mineral deficiencies, particularly in the UK, stem from poor soil quality due to overfarming and pesticide use. Various factors contribute to magnesium insufficiency or deficiency, including excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, certain prescription drugs, poor diet, demanding athletic training, gastrointestinal conditions, aging, type 2 diabetes, and high stress levels.

Manifesting in a range of symptoms like irritability, muscle weakness, and insomnia, magnesium deficiency underscores the importance of maintaining an adequate intake.

Recommended Daily Intake

Guidelines suggest daily magnesium intake to ensure optimal health:

  • 300 mg per day for adult males
  • 270 mg per day for adult females
  • 280-300 mg per day for adolescents
  • 60 mg per day for infants up to 6 months

While there’s no official upper limit (UL) for magnesium, the NHS advises that up to 400 mg per day is considered safe.

Side Effects of Magnesium

Magnesium supplements are generally safe and well-tolerated by most adults, provided they are not taken in excessively high doses. Overconsumption may lead to loose stools or diarrhea. If prone to loose stools, it’s advisable to avoid high magnesium doses. Conversely, for those dealing with constipation, magnesium supplements might offer a beneficial laxative effect.

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