
Our Grandmothers Know Best: Traditional Remedy For Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases

Different lung diseases like bronchitis, asthma, and various types of cough are some of the most prevalent conditions with which many people are diagnosed today.

Infections, allergies, and smoking are just a few of the additional factors that can result in lung disorders or diseases. This article will provide you with a conventional recipe for a medication that will address your issues. The drug is particularly effective in treating cardiac and bronchial asthma.

Our grandmothers prepared this medication in the past. It has been proven to have significant healing power and has been used to treat these conditions.


  • lbs. / ½ kg red/purple onions
  • 2 cups of Pure Maple Syrup or 1.1 lbs. / ½ kg brown sugar
  • 2 medium sized lemons
  • 6 cups / 1.5 l water
  • 7 tbsp.of raw honey



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