Health & Fitness

Top 7 Reason Why You are Not Building Muscle

You already have the vision of how this new body’s going to look, right?

And you’re definitely going to get there. No doubts in your mind about that.

Problem is, it’s just not happening fast enough. I know the feeling.

The garbage food has been going in the garbage. Healthy stuff all the way. You’ve kept showing up at the gym…but you’re still not building muscle. What’s happening? Healthy diet + weight training = muscle. Right?

It’s a wee bit more complicated than that – and there are more than just two pieces to the puzzle. This article will detail several important mistakes you need to avoid to build muscle effectively and achieve a stronger, better body.

You may be making three, four or more of them, which will undoubtedly be hampering your efforts to add any mass and definition to your frame.

Address all problem areas and building muscle is the ONLY outcome.

You’re not building muscle because of…

#1 Too much cardio.

Not focusing completely on weight training and wasting your time on cardio can lead to little or no muscle gains. You don’t want to be using up more calories than you are taking in through too much cardio exercise like running, cycling and sports like football or tennis.

Sure, the body uses carbs as its primary fuel but once reserves are low it needs to make glucose from somewhere to get you through your cardio sessions. That somewhere is your muscle tissue. If you’re doing cardio in the gym along with lifting to try and burn extra fat then stop.

Weight training is hugely effective in building muscle and burning fat. This is because it raises your metabolism levels – and these can stay elevated for a day or more after your workout is over.

#2 Focusing on the wrong weightlifting exercises.


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