Health & Fitness

Using Yoga for Weight Loss

Do you want to know the best yoga ASANAS for weight loss ? Then this article is for you. Besides losing weight, practicing yoga can help improve body flexibility and build muscles.

Many people believe yoga is effective in burning fat at ease; how true is this?

It’s so true, yoga is great for weight loss, it also has other health benefits besides burning calories, such as relieving stress and anxiety and improve mental health.

It’s no news that stress can cause improper digestion, with yoga, you can reduce stress as well as lower your level of cortisol.

Cortisol is a stress hormone; it contributes to weight gain. By lowering your level of cortisol, you naturally begin to lose weight.

Nevertheless, for this to be effective, you have to committed to your routines.

Meaning of Asana

According to Sanskrit translation, asana means pose or posture; thus, it refers to a yoga pose. The literal interpretation of asana means “to be comfortable in a seated position.” It comes from ashtanga yoga, a type of yoga that’s about physical exertion as well as mental relaxation.

Practicing asana makes you aware of your body externally and internally. This yoga poses also have Sanskrit names.

Most of the yoga poses in this guide are two-sided, so it works on the muѕсlеѕ in one ѕіdе оf the bоdу. Thus, you will have to repeat two-sided poses on each side to build body strength, improve flexibility, and achieve optimal results.


1. Wide-Legged Forward Bend

(Prasarita Padottanasana)

Normally, this position requires your hands to touch the floor, but we have modified it to improve the stretch in the shoulders.

Place your feet either three or four feet apart, then bend forward using your hips, not waits. This implies you should maintain a straight back as you bend forward, instead of hunch forward.

You will feel an intense cvstretch in your hamstrings if you bend properly. You can use a mirror to help you practice how to do this pose the right way.

Hold for five-six breaths. You can clasp your hands behind your back if you are much comfortable.

Try bringing them towards the sky to increase the stretch in your arms as well as your shoulders.

2. Lunge


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