
7 Ways to Respond When Someone is Disrespectful to You

Disrespectful behavior from others can be hurtful and frustrating, and it can be difficult to know how to respond in the moment. Whether it’s a coworker, friend, or family member, being treated with disrespect can leave you feeling powerless and angry. However, it’s important to remember that you have control over how you respond to disrespectful behavior. In this article, we’ll look at how you can respond to disrespectful behavior in social situations.

What is disrespectful behavior?

When someone’s words or actions suggest that they don’t see you as a worthy person who deserves to be treated with courtesy, they are probably being disrespectful.

Here are some common types of disrespectful behavior:

  • Insults and namecalling
  • Hurtful, unnecessary comments about your looks, abilities, relationships, job, or any other aspect of your life.
  • Condescending remarks that leave you feeling awkward or belittled, e.g., “You’ve got a great career for someone who grew up in such a poor area.”
  • Persistent lateness
  • Leaving you out of a conversation
  • Excluding you from a social event
  • Deliberately ignoring you
  • Staring at you or watching you in a way that feels intrusive or intimidating
  • Physical aggression
  • Ignoring your boundaries, for example, pressuring you to drink alcohol when you’ve already said “No.”
  • Refusing to acknowledge your authority, e.g., acting as though they are more qualified or senior than you in the workplace, even if you’re their boss.
  • Making you the butt of unkind jokes
  • Lying to you
  • Gossiping about you
  • Making fun of you

Research shows that disrespectful behavior can impact multiple areas of your life. Here are some studies that show why it’s important to recognize and deal with rudeness and disrespect:

  • A 2013 study published in the Journal Of Nursing Administration found a link between experiencing disrespectful behavior from colleagues and poor mental health.[1]
  • Psychologist John Gottman has found that disrespectful communication, including the silent treatment and criticism, have such a negative impact on a marriage that they are useful predictors of divorce.[2]
  • According to a 2014 review published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior, experiencing low-level disrespect in the workplace can cause stress, depression, fear, and sadness.[3] People who feel disrespected at work are also at risk of increased conflict at home, possibly because they feel tense and unhappy.[3]

You don’t have to tolerate disrespect. No one has a right to treat you badly, ignore your basic needs, or take advantage of you. In this section, you’ll learn how to address rude, impolite, or passive-aggressive behavior.

Here’s how to deal with someone who is being disrespectful to you:

1. Avoid jumping to conclusions


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