
Recipe for Garlic Scape Pesto

Get this delicious recipe for garlic scape pesto and add it to pasta, fish, chicken or even steak for a beautiful garlic flavor that will enhance all your dishes.

Recipe for Garlic Scape Pesto

In the fall, I planted garlic for the first time and this June I waited patiently for the long, green garlic scapes shoots to appear from each bulb. When they did, I was giddy with excitement and began planning for the delicious things I would use them on.

However, I then realized that I only planted about 20 bulbs. Not truly enough to make dozens of garlic scape goodies. But, I was able to use all my scapes to make this incredible recipe for Garlic Scape Pesto. And if you only have enough garlic scapes to make one or two things, you want to add this Garlic Scape Pesto to the menu.

What is a garlic scape?

A garlic scape is a stalk that grows up from planted hard neck garlic a few weeks before the garlic itself is ready to be harvested. These are the flower stalks for the garlic itself. The garlic scape – also called a garlic shoot or stalk – is edible and it tastes just like garlic. You can grill them, add them to stir fry, use them in hummus or butter and so much more. But one of the most popular ways to use them is in Garlic Scape Pesto.

Garlic Scapes

Garlic Flower

How to harvest garlic scapes

You want to harvest a garlic scape when it becomes curly. If you wait too long the ends will become woody like the ends of asparagus. However, you can cut those off and reserve them in the freezer for adding to a brothy soup.

Using clippers, cut the garlic scape at its base where it meets the other leaves of the plant. Taking the scape will not harm the garlic bulbs’ development. In fact, since the scape is the flower, the plant will put more energy into the bulb once the flower is gone.

Harvesting garlic scrapes

How to make this recipe for Garlic Scape Pesto

So garlic scapes will taste exactly like a bulb of garlic. When making my recipe for garlic scape pesto from them, I decided to use basil as well. Why? Well, the scape flavor alone can be overwhelming and I find that I need some other flavors in there to calm it down a bit.

So in my recipe for Garlic Scape Pesto I use a lot of the same ingredients I would use in my regular pesto. They include basil, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, olive oil and lemon.

Before making it, make sure to cut any of the woody ends off the garlic scapes. I had a few that I had let grow just a tad too long because I was waiting for others to pop up. I simply cut the harder part of the stalk and then freeze that. The rest of the garlic scape goes into the food processor with all the other ingredients.

Garlic Scape Pesto

How do I use Garlic Scape Pesto?

To use this recipe for Garlic Scape Pesto, you want to use it just in the same way you would use regular pesto. I love it on pasta (of course), but I also love it on shrimp and fish, beef, with some fresh baked bread, chicken and over roasted vegetables. I made some roasted cauliflower from the garden the other night and dipped it in some of this and it was incredible!

Garlic Scape Pesto

Garlic Scape pesto

Storing the Garlic Scape Pesto


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