
What The Shape Of Your Nose Tells About Your Personality

5. The Hawk Nose

The hawk nose is very long with a bit of a hook at the tip that points downwards. The ridge of the nose is very prominent and curved. People with this type of nose do not care what others think of them and work very hard to achieve their goals.

6. The Snub Nose

The snub nose is relatively smaller than the other types, but it is not protrusive at all in any direction. People with this nose are a bit short-tempered, aggressive, and react very quickly. Despite this, they are full of fun and energy.

7. The Turned-Up Nose

This type of nose is long with a concave slope and is lifted upwards at the tip. People with this nose shape are considered to be very positive and enthusiastic and share a very strong bond with their family and friends.

8. The Celestial Nose

This nose is somewhat similar to the snub nose, but it is a bit long, narrow, and symmetrical on both sides. People with this nose type are considered to be very attractive.

So, what is your nose shape? Did the description match your personality?

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